
Effortless Writing Is Blissful Writing: Make It Your Way in Your PhD

The more effortless the writing, better the outcome. There are ways in which you can train yourself to become a less stressed writer and make effortless writing your way of working. 1. Dilute the pressure: A lot of veteran writers have been for ages have recommended sitting in front of the computer from morning 9 … Continue reading “Effortless Writing Is Blissful Writing: Make It Your Way in Your PhD”

Write an Abstract in 30 Minutes. Interesting, Is It?

You have finally zeroed on a conference you wish to attend. You have your document ready with you and you are confident that in no time your abstract would be there on you r word document. To become more confident you have googled and grabbed ideas on writing effective abstracts. Now with a bland word … Continue reading “Write an Abstract in 30 Minutes. Interesting, Is It?”

Know Yourself: The Key to Employability

For those who are pursuing or have completed their doctoral degree, I am sure research must be an integral and inseparable part of their lives. But how often have you introspected and questioned yourself about what exactly have you seeked from your PhD? These questions are provocative questions that would help you to figure out … Continue reading “Know Yourself: The Key to Employability”

How to Choose a Topic for College Dissertations and Research Papers

There are a number of articles, videos, and even blogs on how to write dissertations for college dissertations and research papers. There is no shortage of advice at all. However, you would need tips that focus solely on selecting topics for your college dissertations and research papers. In fact, the choice of topic is very … Continue reading “How to Choose a Topic for College Dissertations and Research Papers”

You Need to Consider These Facts for an Overseas Research Trip

Whenever you decide to take up an overseas research trip, you need to keep a close watch on the following facts: 1. Funding 2. Costing 3. Networking 4. Technical disparity 5. Hands on concerns 1. The primary concern when planning a research abroad is funding. Sometimes overseas research is an integral part of the PhD … Continue reading “You Need to Consider These Facts for an Overseas Research Trip”


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