Category: AMOS
Analyzing structural relationships is made feasible with the help of Structural Equation Modelling. It is the amalgamation of factor analysis and regression analysis. These techniques are used to study the relationship between structural variables and constructs in latent variables. This method is preferred by researchers because of its ability to perform multiple operations in a … Continue reading “Why use SPSS AMOS for Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)?”
Research often involves testing the relationship between variables in a hypothesis. While various quantitative techniques can be used for this purpose, it is structural equation modeling(SEM) approach that provides a visual & easy to interpret display of the causal relationship between the variables. Structural equation modeling, a combination of factor and multiple regression analysis, is … Continue reading “A sneak peek to performing structural equation modeling using AMOS”
AMOS can be defined as a module of SPSS that offers the user with a user interface in order to perform data analysis and structural equation modelling. In other words, AMOS can be described as statistical software based on windows and is used to perform various tasks related to data analysis. Using AMOS one can … Continue reading “How beneficial is using AMOS for data analysis?”