Category: PhD
Scientific research often involves correlation which generally refers to association or any form of link or correspondence. Correlation is nothing but a statistical approach used to evaluate the linear association between two continuous variables. While several types of statistical tests can be deployed to determine the relationship between two quantitative variables, Pearson’s correlation coefficient is … Continue reading “Exploring Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient Test to Determine Statistical Relationship Between Two Continuous Variables”
Statistical test can be complex but it verifies & assures the quality of the study. In analytical work, the most crucial task is the comparison of data (sets of data) and making interpretations. Inferential statistics, one among the two major branches of statistics, are concerned with making inferences based on the relationships found in the … Continue reading “Chi-Square Test: Know about the Inferential Statistical test that Operates on Categorical Variables”
Statistics, a scientific approach to analyzing numerical data, is employed to discover relationships among the phenomena to describe, predict and control their occurrence. Statistics helps the researcher to acquire precise, steadfast and dependable findings. Although there are several statistical tests such as ANOVA, independent t-test, etc. to arrive at the right result, one must choose … Continue reading “Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test : A Non Parametric Alternative to two Sample T-Test”
It is a culture for Ph.D. scholars to move away from a social life during the course of the programme, at least at one time. With so many deadlines approaching and the pressure to perform at varied platforms, so many times in the tenure of the Ph.D.; often scholars live under the psychological pressure and … Continue reading “Do not abandon your social life for your Ph.D.”
Editing remains indispensable for any kind of research document or report. If you are editing is perfect, and immaculate it surely helps you to stay ahead. When a report is edited well, it assists the reader to understand the content, and other information in a simple manner. Once a second set of eyes scan through … Continue reading “Editing is inevitable for a Thesis. Why?”