How to write good and effective topic sentences?

The body of a research dissertation includes a lot of paragraphs whereby each one discussed new topics that add value to the content of the thesis. So every time that you start writing a paragraph, you must have a topic sentence that unifies the content of the paragraph and also makes sure that the paragraph … Continue reading “How to write good and effective topic sentences?”

Here Are Some Successful Ways to Defend Your Thesis

Thesis writing is an intensive activity. But your PhD defence is an all the more intensive task. What does it take to give a successful PhD defence? There can be ways to prepare successfully, keep your stress levels in control and ensure that you have high chances of success. The experience of everyone’s PhD defence … Continue reading “Here Are Some Successful Ways to Defend Your Thesis”

You Want O Choose a Proofreader for Your Work? Be Cautious!!

A lot of scholars feel that they need help with their english writing and it is not a bad idea to look for a reputed proofreader for your work. Whether your supervisorr has suggested you one or you yourself feel the need to improvise your work with somexternal help, choosing the right person can sometimes … Continue reading “You Want O Choose a Proofreader for Your Work? Be Cautious!!”

Vital Points to Keep in Mind When Writing/Editing Essays

Here are some key points to remember when you are writing and editing your dissertation essays: Organisation: The most important thing to keep in mind is the proper organisation of your essay. You may not think it as important, but it is actually of much more significance. For the reader to interpret what you want … Continue reading “Vital Points to Keep in Mind When Writing/Editing Essays”

Literature Review Is a Very Crucial Component of Research

The structure of the Literature Review chapter varies from the area of study. In the field of Science and Social Science, it is a very discreet chapter while when we talk of arts and humanities, it is more integrated and gels more thoroughly throughout the thesis. Whatever may be the structure of the document, it … Continue reading “Literature Review Is a Very Crucial Component of Research”