In the process of achieving a PhD, you may face lot of difficulties and challenges. While some people may find problems with the literature and structuring part of the project others may struggle with the data assembling and analysis. In most cases, the former is a problem that can be easily tackled and resolved, but the latter most often requires expert help in the form of a statistician. Here is an insight on when you need to hire a statistician for your data analysis job.
The questionnaire: The most important part of data analysis happens to be the part where you frame a questionnaire. In order to be able to get satisfactory answers and data results, it is important to ask all the right questions. It is therefore important to involve the help of a professional right at the stage of framing the questionnaire for a data analysis study.
Data Analysis: In the process of carrying out a data research or analysis, there is an extremely important process of main data analysis. This is a process of analysis that helps in either confirming an assumption through confirmatory analysis or helps in achieving an inference through exploratory analysis. In both these methods, a statistician may play a major role because of the fact that he or she may be able to exactly tell how each data analysis questionnaire should be framed and how the process of researching should be carried out. In addition to the data analysis you can also avail the help of a statistician while carrying out a power analysis for the PhD data analysis. The expert may be able to help with a prior power analysis or a post data analysis, both of which would require an in-depth knowledge of deriving inferences from the data analysis.
When your doctorate is at stake, it must be ensured that the right measures are adopted in the initial stages of the making of a study. This is one of the most important reasons why it makes sense for you to get a statistician on board as soon as you arrive at the level of making a statistical study.