Whenever you decide to take up an overseas research trip, you need to keep a close watch on the following facts:
1. Funding
2. Costing
3. Networking
4. Technical disparity
5. Hands on concerns
1. The primary concern when planning a research abroad is funding. Sometimes overseas research is an integral part of the PhD but no separate grant is available for the same, then getting funding becomes very difficult. It is possible to find a way out in terms of arranging some small grant for early career researcher by talking to individuals and support services.
2. Going overseas for research may involve a lot of expenses. Direct and indirect expenses. It is advisable to estimate the cost of the trip before going ahead with it, budgeting is very important. Do not forget to incorporate the following costs:
• Tickets , visa and insurance
• Accommodation
• Commuting within the city or country
• Access to archives and library
• Buying books and reading material and photocopying
• Food and other essentials like medical concerns and entertainment
3. Before you actually step into a strange land, find out the maximum details you can about it and do have some contacts and networks so that as you go, you can get started. Your own university can assist you here as they usually keep data base of contacts and manage communities abroad. You could also get some details from the designated officer for international education that would acquaint you with the education system there and would be able to act as a link between the contacts and yourself. Liberally make use of social networking sites also here so as to get the best results.
4. Plan well and carry along all technical equipment you need with yourself as it may not be easy to find all the resources you need. For research, preferably have your own laptop, all printed documents you may need should be there with you in enough number as sometimes printing facility may not be easy or unfairly expensive. Take along a camera and a voice recorder, more so if any interview is a part of your research. It is better to invest in these resources in your own country rather than feel handicapped in a strange land.
5. With all things falling in place, do not forget to work around the regular stuff such as flights in advance, accommodation issues, currency, doctor , medication. Make use of the forums that assist and give opportunity to overseas researchers to bring out their concerns.